

We operate a ‘pay as you go’ service. Each meeting requires payment to be made 2 working days beforehand...

...You don’t pay for everything all at once!



Initial consultation via telephone

Emails and telephone calls

Introduction email/letter to the other Party



Zoom Intake or MIAM (Mediation, Information & Assessment Meeting)
(In-person 25% price increase)

£    120 pp.

(price includes VAT)

Joint Zoom mediation
(In-person mediation 25% price increase) 

We also offer shuttle and separate meetings. Please ask us for further details.

£ 155 pp/phr.

(price includes VAT)

Consultation with children (Child Inclusive Mediation)

£    60 pp/phr.

(price includes VAT)



Financial Statement and MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)... Your proposals
This price includes up to 3 drafts to accommodate any minor changes.

£ 330 pp.

(price includes VAT)

Child Arrangements Plan (Parenting Plan)
This price includes up to 3 drafts to accommodate any minor changes.

£ 240 pp.

(price includes VAT)

For Court form sign-off or personal (one-to-one) help to fill in disclosure forms, contact us for details.

We reserve the right to change the aforementioned prices at any time however, notice will always be given in advance to any existing customers.


Ministry-of Justice LogoFamily Mediators Association LogoLaw Society Family Mediation LogoFamily Mediation Council Child Inclusive Mediator LogoAccredited Mediator Mediation Council Child LogoThe Law Society LogoLGBT