

We operate a ‘pay as you go’ service. Each meeting requires payment to be made 2 working days beforehand...

...You don’t pay for everything all at once!



Initial consultation via telephone

Emails and telephone calls

Introduction email/letter to the other Party



Zoom Intake or MIAM (Mediation, Information & Assessment Meeting)
(In-person 20% price increase)

£    99 pp.

Joint Zoom mediation
(In-person mediation 20% price increase) 

We also offer shuttle and separate meetings. Please ask us for further details.

£ 130 pp/phr.

Consultation with children (Child Inclusive Mediation)

£    50 pp/phr.



Financial Statement and MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)... Your proposals
This price includes up to 3 drafts to accommodate any minor changes.

£ 275 pp.                   

Child Arrangements Plan (Parenting Plan)
This price includes up to 3 drafts to accommodate any minor changes.

£ 200 pp.                     

For Court form sign-off or personal (one-to-one) help to fill in disclosure forms, contact us for details.

We reserve the right to change the aforementioned prices at any time.


Ministry-of Justice LogoFamily Mediators Association LogoLaw Society Family Mediation LogoFamily Mediation Council Child Inclusive Mediator LogoAccredited Mediator Mediation Council Child LogoThe Law Society LogoLGBT